Mayhem At Home

Hello Mayhem!

We hope that you are all staying safe, healthy, and connected during this difficult time. In this blog post we will share drills and skills that can be done with limited space, inside or outside your home!

Check back weekly for updates!

Mayhem Virtual Coaching Sessions

Mayhem Virtual Coaching Session 1 with Coach Morgan! Lifting the ball, Pull to Lift – Watch on Vimeo Here

Mayhem Virtual Coaching Session 2 with Coach Gretta! Dribbling Skills and Workout Exercises – Watch on Vimeo Here

Mayhem Virtual Coaching Session 3 with Coach Emilee! Brush Receptions, Arial Pass, and Workout Exercises- Watch on Vimeo Here

Mayhem Virtual Coaching Session 4 with Coach Rachel! Advanced 3-D Bridge Reception and Bridge Elimination skill  – Watch on Vimeo Here

Mayhem Virtual Coaching Session 5 with Coach Morgan! V-Drags on the move and stationary! Watch on Vimeo Here

The Main Line Field Hockey Club

The Main Line Field Hockey Club (“Mayhem”) is the first field hockey club to offer advanced skills development in the heart of the Main Line of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. MAYHEM is about MORE than just field hockey. It’s about building confidence in young women that will change their lives, and it’s about coaches who are not only experts in their craft but who serve as role models.